Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
A: We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal.
Q: I placed an order online. Can I cancel it now?
A: Please reach out to cs@salsinterior.com for requesting a cancellation.
Q: I have an additional question regarding a product on your site? Is there anyone I can call to address these questions?
A: Our friendly customer service team is ready to assist you with any questions you may have regarding our store and services. Please call us at 805-980-6212. Monday - Friday from 10:00am-3:00pm Eastern Time. If our phone services happen to be down when you reach us,  we provide email support at cs@salsinterior.com 7 days a week. 
Q: How much will shipping cost?
A: Free.99! We offer free shipping on all products
Q: I tried to order a product that is currently sold out. Will it ever be available again?
A: Our inventory on the site is updated every couple of hours. If an item is currently out of stock it will be replenished. If we know the date of replenishment, we will indicate it on the item's page in the ETA field. Otherwise, please contact sales@salsinterior.com and they will inform you as to when the item is available for purchase.
Q: How soon will my order ship?
A: From the moment your order has been SHIPPED it can take 2-7 business days for Parcel orders to arrive to you within the United States and Canada, and can take up to approximately 21 days for LTL orders to be delivered.